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Don Guillett

I, for one, will not be able to be of any further assistance when you insist
on bottom posting.


its not me. I went to this ng 24hourhelpdesk. and they really mind it when I
posted like this on the top. they sent me this long list of ng etiquettes
and stuff where they insisted on bottom posting to keep the flow of post in
ascending order. you know what i mean. to be honest i hate it too.

these days you just don't know who says what. but I still try to do my best
to keep everybody happy. All I can say is sorry again. :)


Gord Dibben


In these Excel news groups the preferred method is to top post.

Many other news groups get all bent out of shape with top posting.

There have been countless wars over this issue.

If you prefer bottom-posting then I guess you will learn to live without Don's

Others will undoubtedly ignore the top or bottom posting and assist in either

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Point noted :)

Gord Dibben said:

In these Excel news groups the preferred method is to top post.

Many other news groups get all bent out of shape with top posting.

There have been countless wars over this issue.

If you prefer bottom-posting then I guess you will learn to live without

Others will undoubtedly ignore the top or bottom posting and assist in

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Peo Sjoblom

I don't think it is that black and white, if you do bottom postings you need
to trim the post so it doesn't take like 3 pages to get to it.


I cast my vote for 'top posting' also, but somehow I manage to deal with
those who choose (or are directed) to do otherwise :) But it really does
make more sense (to me) to have the latest at the top - makes it easier for
me to read the history, and if I need to go all the way back to the
beginning, I'll do so when required. Besides, it's a lot quicker to figure
out that a problem is solved when we see "thanks, it worked" at the very top
of a post rather than having to scroll to the very deepest pits of hades to
find out that the problem has been taken care of. Not picking at or on you
at all - I realize you were directed to do as you did, but you might want to
take some of these comments back to that 24hourhelpdesk with a hefty dose of
"take that!! helpdeskweenie!!!" <g>

Peo Sjoblom

I believe it depends on several factors, bottom posting is the format used
by newsgroups since the beginning, however it should be trimmed, it doesn't
make sense to have to plough through pages of stuff to find 2 lines at the
bottom.. It also depends on the newsreader, OE is not a very good
newsreader, in fact it is terrible as a text editor but it might be easier
to top post if you use it (I use it with all of its drawbacks because I got
so used to it that when I tried better readers I never got past the learning
stage). One thing I don't understand is how people can use the CDO unless
they have no choice?

Don Guillett

I do think that posters should "do as the Romans do". Here, it's top
posting. I had helped this poster a couple of times, each requesting top
posting. So, he says thanks by bottom posting.................
Arrrrrrrrrrrrrg! I need to learn to be more patient.


Well, for whatever it's worth, I tend to agree with Peo's "when in Rome,
light Roman Candles". But I also see the problem of a new-to-groups (which
in truth, I am also) person in learning/being told to do it one way here,
another way there, and just stay home and watch it rain somewhere else. Hard
to remember everyone else's rules - especially since they are their! rules,
not mine. And I'm quick to point that out to places I may go (as in
brick-and-mortar stores) and they tell me "well, OUR rule is..." and I say
"key word here is "OUR" not MINE and I don't get paid to remember YOUR rules
:( " Ya'Know what I mean?

Don Guillett

That's a bit different. Here you need to use the golden rule.
"The man with the gold make the rule"!!

Gord Dibben

The snipping of unnecessary stuff is a good idea.

Leave enough so the thread can be understood, but no more.

Then Top Post


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