We need formula to pick a value every 2,3,5,10,15 minutes from a large
database with records (rows) every minute. The difficulty is that the
records are not continuous for example:
Time Temp (°C)
12:52:47 15.4
12:53:12 15.5
12:56:43 15.5
12:57:03 15.5
12:58:04 14.3
12:59:25 15.9
13:01:42 19.7
13:02:02 20
13:03:08 20.1
13:04:00 17.6
We need formula to pick a value every 2,3,5,10,15 minutes from a large
database with records (rows) every minute. The difficulty is that the
records are not continuous for example:
Time Temp (°C)
12:52:47 15.4
12:53:12 15.5
12:56:43 15.5
12:57:03 15.5
12:58:04 14.3
12:59:25 15.9
13:01:42 19.7
13:02:02 20
13:03:08 20.1
13:04:00 17.6