Need Help Choosing Correct Project Server Product



I have a small business with about six people now and will expand in time. We
just ordered Office 2007 Enterprise edition and are looking for something
like Basecamp project management. I've looked at the MS Project Server demo
and it appears to offer a lot of features suitable for large corporate use
and that we probably wouldn't use.

What we do need is the type of features of Basecamp has where different
remote users can easily interact with each other on different aspects of a
project, etc. and I didn't see anything like that at all with PS. I'd rather
integrate with another MS product so everything interfaces properly.

Is PS what we need or is it overkill? Would we need other MS products to use


Right now just pretty basic. We have one enterprise product we are developing
with a developer, designer, operations head, sales/marketing mngr. and the
main guy who does a little bit of everything. Everyone has their own
contribution towards developing and introducing our product so we want
everyone to be able to see what the others are working on and where everyone
is on the timeline.

We need just basic collaborative abilities at this point, where people can
post there progress and others can interact. We will be using and exchanging
MS Office 2007 Enterprise products. Our plan is to grow of course where
everyone's work will increase with Operations growing the most. Right now we
are just looking at web based project management freeware or $25 monthly
since we are a start up and money is tight. MS Project looks like it would do
nicely but not if we have to start buying other products/services to support

I hope this gives you enough information and I appreciate your assistance.

Gary Chefetz


Not much to go on for giving you advice in choosing tools. With your
commitment to the Office system, it would be foolish for you not to explore
SharePoint as your collaborative platform. After reviewing what you can do
with SharePoint, then determine whether you need to look elsewhere for
additional tools. If you belong to MPUG, you should be able to find this
handy presentation online: Calendar/DispForm.aspx?ID=141

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