On a form I have a command Button that, when clicked first gives a warning
message stating what action is about to be performed. Here is the code for
the Warning message...
Private Sub cmdARCHIVE_Click()
RetValue = MsgBox("You are about to ARCHIVE the Free To Grow Silviculture
records? They will be deleted from the Silviculture table and inserted into
the ARCHIVED FreeToGrow Silviculture table. Are you sure you want to do
this?", vbYesNoCancel + vbExclamation, "WARNING")
I want to add an If Then Else statement that says if the Yes button is
chosen then execute a macro I have designed to ARCHIVE the records from one
table to another and then delete the records from the original table. Else
if the No button or the Cancel button are chosen, nothing happens. Can you
help me with this part of the code?
End Sub
message stating what action is about to be performed. Here is the code for
the Warning message...
Private Sub cmdARCHIVE_Click()
RetValue = MsgBox("You are about to ARCHIVE the Free To Grow Silviculture
records? They will be deleted from the Silviculture table and inserted into
the ARCHIVED FreeToGrow Silviculture table. Are you sure you want to do
this?", vbYesNoCancel + vbExclamation, "WARNING")
I want to add an If Then Else statement that says if the Yes button is
chosen then execute a macro I have designed to ARCHIVE the records from one
table to another and then delete the records from the original table. Else
if the No button or the Cancel button are chosen, nothing happens. Can you
help me with this part of the code?
End Sub