need help Combo Box with duplicate entry.



I have a combo box with unique and non-unique entries. (search field)

00010 | john | smith | 12345 | 00002
00196 | jane | doe | 0120 | 00001
00196 | Jone| wood| 0220 | 00005

I would like the following to happen.

1) user types the number needed ( 10 )
2) the combo box zero fills the field (00010)
3) then selects an entry from the combo box. (12345)

if the select is incorrect ( one of the non-unique numbers was selected -
the user will open the combo box and select the correct entry. (jone wood)
add the info will be put on the form.

the following code works if the user enters 10 ( unique entry)
it will zero fill and find the entry i want.
it does not work if the user needs jone wood, it will select and only
seletc jane doe #196

Me!PolicyRef = ""
Me!NHSPolicyNumber = ""

[cert number] = Format([cert number], "000000000")

Me!PolicyRef = Me![cert number].Column(4)
Me!NHSPolicyNumber = Me![cert number].Column(5)

the following code allows to to select jone wood 196 #2

Me!PolicyRef = ""
Me!NHSPolicyNumber = ""

Me!PolicyRef = Me![cert number].Column(4)
Me!NHSPolicyNumber = Me![cert number].Column(5)

but wont allow me to enter just 196 , then zero fill and wont select
anything when the user leaves the field
but I can select the data from the pick list and get jone wood

what am i doing wrong

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