Need help counting records by date


Capt James Cook

Please help. I have an Orders table with Ord#, ReceivedDt, ShipDt and I need
a query that will summarize activity by date.
Sample data:
Ord# Recv Ship
0001 10/10/07 10/13/07
0002 10/12/07 10/12/07
0003 10/12/07 10/13/07

Output summary needs to count activity by date as follows
Date Received Shipped
10/10 1 0
10/12 2 1
10/13 0 2

Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.


There probably is an easier way but these three queries will do it.
OrderDate ---
SELECT JamesCook.Recv AS OrderDate
FROM JamesCook
UNION SELECT JamesCook.Ship AS OrderDate
FROM JamesCook;

JamesCookAll ---
SELECT OrderDate.OrderDate, JamesCook.[Ord#], "Recv" AS RecvShip
FROM OrderDate INNER JOIN JamesCook ON OrderDate.OrderDate = JamesCook.Recv
UNION ALL SELECT OrderDate.OrderDate, JamesCook.[Ord#], "Ship" AS RecvShip
FROM OrderDate INNER JOIN JamesCook ON OrderDate.OrderDate = JamesCook.Ship;

TRANSFORM Count(JamesCookAll.[Ord#]) AS [CountOfOrd#]
SELECT JamesCookAll.OrderDate, Count(JamesCookAll.[Ord#]) AS [Total Of Ord#]
FROM JamesCookAll
GROUP BY JamesCookAll.OrderDate
PIVOT JamesCookAll.RecvShip;

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