This is a very fast and flexible function I use for this purpose.
It needs a reference to Olaf Schmidt's free dll, dhRichClient, which can be
downloaded from here:
Public Function MakeFrequencyArray(arrVariant As Variant, _
Optional lCols As Long = -1, _
Optional bSortDescOnCount As Boolean =
True, _
Optional bSortAscOnCount As Boolean, _
Optional bSortDescOnItem As Boolean, _
Optional bSortAscOnItem As Boolean, _
Optional strFormat As String) As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim LB As Long
Dim UB As Long
Dim LB2 As Long
Dim UB2 As Long
Dim cSD1 As cSortedDictionary
Dim cSD2 As cSortedDictionary
Dim lCount As Long
Dim lcSD1Count As Long
Dim lcSD2Count As Long
Dim arrReturn
LB = LBound(arrVariant)
UB = UBound(arrVariant)
Set cSD1 = New cSortedDictionary
If lCols = -1 Then
For i = LB To UB
If cSD1.Exists(arrVariant(i)) Then
lCount = cSD1.Item(arrVariant(i))
lCount = lCount + 1
cSD1.Item(arrVariant(i)) = lCount
cSD1.Add arrVariant(i), 1
End If
Next i
LB2 = LBound(arrVariant, 2)
UB2 = UBound(arrVariant, 2)
If lCols = 1 Then 'to gain some speed?
For i = LB To UB
If cSD1.Exists(arrVariant(i, LB2)) Then
lCount = cSD1.Item(arrVariant(i, LB2))
lCount = lCount + 1
cSD1.Item(arrVariant(i, LB2)) = lCount
cSD1.Add arrVariant(i, LB2), 1
End If
Next i
For i = LB To UB
For c = LB2 To UB2
If cSD1.Exists(arrVariant(i, c)) Then
lCount = cSD1.Item(arrVariant(i, c))
lCount = lCount + 1
cSD1.Item(arrVariant(i, c)) = lCount
cSD1.Add arrVariant(i, c), 1
End If
Next c
Next i
End If
End If
If bSortDescOnCount Or bSortAscOnCount Then
Set cSD2 = New cSortedDictionary
cSD2.UniqueKeys = False
For i = 1 To cSD1.Count
cSD2.Add cSD1.ItemByIndex(i - 1), cSD1.KeyByIndex(i - 1)
Next i
lcSD2Count = cSD2.Count
'return a 1-based 2-D variant array
ReDim arrReturn(1 To lcSD2Count, 1 To 4)
If Len(strFormat) > 0 Then
If bSortDescOnCount Then
For i = 0 To lcSD2Count - 1
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 1) = lcSD2Count - i
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 2) = Format(cSD2.ItemByIndex(i),
'for some reason this is needed to avoid a currency sign in front
of the number
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 3) = CLng(cSD2.KeyByIndex(i))
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
For i = 0 To lcSD2Count - 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 1) = i + 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 2) = Format(cSD2.ItemByIndex(i), strFormat)
arrReturn(i + 1, 3) = CLng(cSD2.KeyByIndex(i))
arrReturn(i + 1, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(i + 1, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
End If
If bSortDescOnCount Then
For i = 0 To lcSD2Count - 1
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 1) = lcSD2Count - i
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 2) = cSD2.ItemByIndex(i)
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 3) = CLng(cSD2.KeyByIndex(i))
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
For i = 0 To lcSD2Count - 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 1) = i + 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 2) = cSD2.ItemByIndex(i)
arrReturn(i + 1, 3) = CLng(cSD2.KeyByIndex(i))
arrReturn(i + 1, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(i + 1, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
End If
End If
Else 'If bSortDescOnCount Or bSortAscOnCount
lcSD1Count = cSD1.Count
'return a 1-based 2-D variant array
ReDim arrReturn(1 To lcSD1Count, 1 To 4)
If Len(strFormat) > 0 Then
If bSortDescOnItem Then
For i = 0 To lcSD1Count - 1
arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 1) = lcSD1Count - i
arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 2) = Format(cSD1.KeyByIndex(i),
arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 3) = CLng(cSD1.ItemByIndex(i))
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
For i = 0 To lcSD1Count - 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 1) = i + 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 2) = Format(cSD1.KeyByIndex(i), strFormat)
arrReturn(i + 1, 3) = CLng(cSD1.ItemByIndex(i))
arrReturn(i + 1, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(i + 1, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
End If
If bSortDescOnItem Then
For i = 0 To lcSD1Count - 1
arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 1) = lcSD1Count - i
arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 2) = cSD1.KeyByIndex(i)
arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 3) = CLng(cSD1.ItemByIndex(i))
arrReturn(lcSD2Count - i, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(lcSD1Count - i, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
For i = 0 To lcSD1Count - 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 1) = i + 1
arrReturn(i + 1, 2) = cSD1.KeyByIndex(i)
arrReturn(i + 1, 3) = CLng(cSD1.ItemByIndex(i))
arrReturn(i + 1, 4) = _
Format(arrReturn(i + 1, 3) / (UB + (1 - LB)), "0.00%")
Next i
End If
End If
End If 'If bSortDescOnCount Or bSortAscOnCount
MakeFrequencyArray = arrReturn
End Function
So, you pass the function an array and a number of optional arguments and it
will return
your counted items (and the frequency as well) as an array.
To make an array from a range simply do something like this:
Dim arr
arr = Range(Cells(1), Cells(1000, 1))
There are simpler ways to do the same, but all the thinking has already been
done, plus it
has been fully tested. Really fast as well and that could be important if
you are dealing with
large ranges.