Need Help Creating a Macro to Multiply Cells by a Constant Number



I just started using MS Excel 2003 and am trying to make a spread sheet which
is for an company expense sheet...and I want to be able to multiply many of
the cells by constant number of US Dollars per British Pounds (1.818 dollars
per Pound), so that I can covert the number of pounds my employes have spent,
into dollars.

Can anyone help me, it sounds easy, but I dont know how to use or create
macros yet. I have used the function button to add, subtract, multiply and
divide values in single cells.

Bob Phillips

Put 1.818 in a cell, say M1, and then use


and copy down.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Sorry I am such a neophyte at this, but I have put 1.818 in M1 and then I do
not know where I go to to write or type in "=A1*$M$1" as you have suggested.
I assume that this is a macro, but dont know how or where to type that
formula in so that I can use it in any cell that I want to calculate the
conversion of british pounds to U.S. dollars.

Would you be able to help me with that, and I also assume, I could type
1.818 into any cell as long as it is not in the way of other cells that I
want to enter numbers in, but it also must be in my worksheet?

Thank you so much for your help and patience with this neophyte.
Thank You,

Bob Phillips said:
Put 1.818 in a cell, say M1, and then use


and copy down.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

L. Howard Kittle

Hi Tyn,

What Bob gave you was a formula, not a macro. If you have US values in
cells A1:A10 you could put the formula in B1 and fill down to B10. If you
have US values scattered about your worksheet then you would need a number
of individual formulas referring to the individual cells. Formula would be
essentially the same, something like this and they would be entered in
whatever cells you want the converted values to show up in, perhaps M2
through M"whatever":

=A1*M1, =B6*M1, =G3*M1

Note you don't need the absolute reference in this case, so no $$'s.


Gord Dibben


If this is a one-time operation just enter 1.818 in an unused cell.

Edit>Copy that cell.

Select all cells with British Pounds and Edit>Paste Special(in

What Bob provided is called a "formula" not a macro and is designed so that you
can change the value in M1 and the value in the other cells will change to
reflect that.

Assuming your pounds are in one column, say column A.

In B1 enter Bob's formula then drag/copy down column B as far as you need.

You would do this for each column of pounds you have, just change the A1 to
another column like C1 or D1

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Bob Phillips

In Howard's second point, note that if the dollar values are scattered
about, you could put =A1*$M$1 (not the $ symbols, nothing to do with the
currency, but important to ensure that we always use the rate in M1) in B1,
then copy that formula, goto C7 and paste it, and Excel will automatically
update it to =B6*$M$1. And so on, Excel is good like that, saves us a lot of



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

L. Howard Kittle said:
Hi Tyn,

What Bob gave you was a formula, not a macro. If you have US values in
cells A1:A10 you could put the formula in B1 and fill down to B10. If you
have US values scattered about your worksheet then you would need a number
of individual formulas referring to the individual cells. Formula would
be essentially the same, something like this and they would be entered in
whatever cells you want the converted values to show up in, perhaps M2
through M"whatever":

=A1*M1, =B6*M1, =G3*M1

Note you don't need the absolute reference in this case, so no $$'s.


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