need help drawing an object



Hello Everyone:
I am trying to draw a stop sign, color it red; but only the inside of the
stop sign. I also need to place wording at the top, both sides, and in the
middle of the stop sign. I would like to have these all inclusive and not
separated so that they will all be one color.

Thank you,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

What part of that are you not able to do? An octagon is one of the Basic
Shapes (Draw | AutoShapes), which you can color red, and you can use Add
Text to insert a text box, or you can layer a text box over it if that
allows you to place text more effectively. You can color the text black or
white or some other contrasting color.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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