I have a userform that is a worksheet. It has several question
(labels), option buttons (indicating Yes,No, and N/A for eac
questions) and a notes section (textbox) for each question. Some o
the questions get rather involved and I would like to give some help t
the user.
My first inclination is to use ControlTipText on the labels. However
some of my help tips are way too long and extend far beyond the screen
Is there a way to put line returns in controltiptext?
If not, is there something else I can do? I was thinking of setting u
a help file and having a small command button with a "?" on it for eac
question that when pressed will pop up a small window giving help fo
that particular question. However, I have no idea how to accomplis
this. Any and all comments is appreciated. Thank you
(labels), option buttons (indicating Yes,No, and N/A for eac
questions) and a notes section (textbox) for each question. Some o
the questions get rather involved and I would like to give some help t
the user.
My first inclination is to use ControlTipText on the labels. However
some of my help tips are way too long and extend far beyond the screen
Is there a way to put line returns in controltiptext?
If not, is there something else I can do? I was thinking of setting u
a help file and having a small command button with a "?" on it for eac
question that when pressed will pop up a small window giving help fo
that particular question. However, I have no idea how to accomplis
this. Any and all comments is appreciated. Thank you