Need Help From Word Experts.



I would appreciate some help on the long document that I have uploaded

It's a large 22 meg file !

Once you have downloaded the file here are the problems I'm having:

AndaleMono.... Select all 7 instances in the Style and Formatting Pane.
Nothing gets selected. Try to delete the AndaleMono style.... It
won't delete.

Centered.... Select all 11 instances in the Style and Formatting Pane.
Nothing gets selected. Try to delete the Centered Style. It won't

Tools / Templates and Add-Ins / Organizer.... Neither AndaleMono or
Centered appear.

Headings... what is the best way to name them ? What should they be
based on ? Right now I'm basing many of them on the Normal Style.
Does not seem to work as well as when I base Body Styles on Normal. How
can I get Word to stop Renaming my Heading Styles and sticking
"Style" in front of the Heading name ?

What is the best way to name Body Styles ?

The mess in the table on page 247. I can't seem to get rid of it. Why
does Clear Formatting not do anything ? Why can't I change the Style

What do you think of the way I break manually between pages ? Is there
a better way ?

When I have a table that extends all the way across the page is
Preferred Width 100 Percent the way to go if I decided to change margin
sizes ?

Is sticking almost all the graphics in tables as I have done the best
way to go ?

What is the Graphic Anchor all about ? Why does it display and how do
you use it ? A comprehesive explination would be appreciated.

What should graphics be attached to ?

Have any of you spent any time with Open Office Writer ? If so what do
you think of it ? What are the pro's and cons of Open Office Writer
? I know one benefit is that Writer outputs .pdf... are there any more
major benefits ? Which is better for the kind of long document I'm
working on ?

Jon Banquer
Phoenix, Arizona

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