Need help from you Code Masters



I have a crosstab query and I use an append query to take
those values into a table. Now I want to put all this into
some vba code. I was thinking i might have to use a ADODB
recordset to store the values from the Crosstab query into
a temp table in memory, then reference the table in
memeory with my append query something like:

SqlStringA = My Transform Code
Set rsSQLResultA = New ADODB.Recordset
rsSQLResultA.Open SqlStringA, CurrentProject.Connection,

SqlStringB = "INSERT INTO table * SELECT * FROM

Will someting like this work if so how do I get it to
work, or you got a better way, thank in advance.

Alex Dybenko

i think you can just do everything in one query:

SqlStringB = "INSERT INTO table * " & My Transform Code

then execute this SQL
CurrentProject.Connection.execute SqlStringB

In case your "My Transform Code" returns some select query



What if I have more than one query, say for example:
SqlStringA = Transform Query code
SqlStringB = Select Query Code
SqlStringC = Joins SqlStringA and SqlStringB
SqlStringD = Appends SqlStringC to a table

In this case I have four differnt querys, however if I
wanted to write this all in VBA how would I go about that.
I guess my ultimate question is if the case arises, how
would I execute a query in VBA and store the results in
memory to use in a later query also written in VBA?

Alex Dybenko

i think case i think you can save each query and the join them
curentDB.querydefs("qrySqlStringA").SQL= SqlStringA
curentDB.querydefs("qrySqlStringB").SQL= SqlStringB
curentDB.querydefs("qrySqlStringC").SQL= "... join ..."

currentdb.execute "...Appends SqlStringC to a table..."


Chris Nebinger

Or, you can nest the queries..

dim strSQL as String

strSQL = "Insert Into TableName(Field1,Field2,Field3) "
strsql = strSQL & " From (Select queryA.*, QueryB.* from
(Select statement for query A) AS Query A, "
strsql = strSQL & " INNER JOIN (Select statement for Query
B) As query B) As QueryC "

Try doing this in the SQL view of a query. You'll see how
it works and then cut/paste the SQL code into VBA code.

Chris Nebinger

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