I am trying to set up a new tracking system for our Patient Satisfacion cards
to be used in evaluation staff. I have a system now where I simply plug in
the information into Excel and when it is time for a yearly review, I simply
sort by Physical Therapist. I would like to know if there is a way to give
each response a number value and set up seperate sheets for each Physical
Therapist. Basically I want to enter Excellent on the tracking sheet...but
for that Excellent response...give the Physical Therapist 5 points. Good = 4
points, Okay = 3 points and so on. Is this possible? If so, how the world do
I do it? Thank you so so much for any help. I feel I am pretty good with
Excel so if someone could give me some good directions, I am sure I could
figure it out.
to be used in evaluation staff. I have a system now where I simply plug in
the information into Excel and when it is time for a yearly review, I simply
sort by Physical Therapist. I would like to know if there is a way to give
each response a number value and set up seperate sheets for each Physical
Therapist. Basically I want to enter Excellent on the tracking sheet...but
for that Excellent response...give the Physical Therapist 5 points. Good = 4
points, Okay = 3 points and so on. Is this possible? If so, how the world do
I do it? Thank you so so much for any help. I feel I am pretty good with
Excel so if someone could give me some good directions, I am sure I could
figure it out.