Need help in extract of data


Ms. Latte

AA 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
This is the size chart. AA is the code of size, some code is count by 28 29
etc, some code is in SML.
Then in the same sheet, I have to report that which size and how many pcs
that I have my product in stock. What I do it in very manual way, is I look
at the size code and go back to size chart and copy the size in the the cell.
What I want is that when I type only AA in cell A10 , I would like to
extract 28 29 30 31 etc into B10 B11 B12...........
For example:

size code
AA 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
quantity 5 pcs 5 pcs 4 pcs 5 pcs
Kindly help it could save my time cause I have do it to 1000 products in a

Many thanks


Suppose the size chart is in rows 1:2, then enter this formula in B10 and
drag it to the right until the last column of the size chart:


7 in the formula is the No of columns in the size chart!


„Ms. Latte†ezt írta:

Ms. Latte

Thank you so much. However, this could apply to single row. I understand taht
$A$10 means the cell that I will key in the size code, but if I want to copy
this formular to many row, then what is the fomular that will change $A$10 to
many many single cell (i.e. the right cell of the one I put fomular to).

Many thanks for your kind help.

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