Need help in level based resources!!!!!!!!




In the resource goal area, some of the resources are
showing the following message with yellow exclaimation

"This Resource should be level based on a Day by Day

What does it mean? And how to resolve this problem?



Gérard Ducouret

Hello Rasheed,

That means that these resources are over allocated : they work more than
then are able to.

Probably you assign the same person full time on one task and full time on
another one which run parallel to the first one.

That means that the resource is supposed to work 16 h a day. (If your
parameter is 8h/day)

MS Project can propose a solution which will consist of moving one of the
tasks :

Tools / Level resource / Level Now

Just an option :

Level only within available slack : if you check this option, Ms Project
will (try to) postpone some tasks without postponing the finish date of the
project (Smoothing)

If you don't check it : Ms Project is authorized to postpone the project

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret


Thanx Gérard! really appreciated

- Rasheed
-----Original Message-----
Hello Rasheed,

That means that these resources are over allocated : they work more than
then are able to.

Probably you assign the same person full time on one task and full time on
another one which run parallel to the first one.

That means that the resource is supposed to work 16 h a day. (If your
parameter is 8h/day)

MS Project can propose a solution which will consist of moving one of the
tasks :

Tools / Level resource / Level Now

Just an option :

Level only within available slack : if you check this option, Ms Project
will (try to) postpone some tasks without postponing the finish date of the
project (Smoothing)

If you don't check it : Ms Project is authorized to postpone the project

Hope this helps,

Gérard Ducouret

"Rasheed" <[email protected]> a écrit dans le message de


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