Need Help in MS Access & using Themes



Hi every body,
I am a new member in google and google groups.I am from Saudi Arabia
(Qatif) , My House is near the Arabian Gulf.
I am a student in King Fahd University of Petrolium and Minerals in
Saudi Arabia,(My major is Managment Informatiom System),
I am very interesting to join with You and shares information and
Technique .

I am preparing for project in (a course), and I faced some problems:
1. I want some themes related to FootBall for Access , and How can I
implemented/use it.


This is what I think about [This is my CustomerID- the initial one
07 01 0001
[ [07].Year [01].Month [0001] rest (vary) ]

Now, I want to make the CustomerID increased automatically firstly by
the 4digits (rest), secondly by the month "automatically", finally by
the Year.

For Example:
When I have 3 customers in the same month the IDs will be like this:
In the next month which is month 2 also 3 customers, their IDs will be
like this:
In the other year also I have 3 customers
This is the all problem.

Finally, I hope that I define and describe my problem in the right

I am sorry if I interrupt you or make you busy with me.


Larry Linson

You will be better off saving separately the date when the new customer was
acquired. See a text on relational database . . . one of the normalization
rules deals with "atomicity": a field should include information on only one
item or subject. Let the customer identification just identify the
customer, not be a "secret code" including other information.

For information on creating a sequential customer number, you can search the
archives of this newsgroup or of the USENET newsgroup using; but it's really a
rather simple matter of checking help and using the DMax domain aggregate
function to find the largest customer number and incrementing that by one.

As far as I know, "themes" are not supported by Access, through version
2003; I cannot be of help on Access 2007. You can create a Form and a
Report from which subsequently defined Forms and Reports inherit their
properties. If you do not change the Options, those will have the name

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Hi every body,
I am a new member in google and google groups.I am from Saudi Arabia
(Qatif) , My House is near the Arabian Gulf.
I am a student in King Fahd University of Petrolium and Minerals in
Saudi Arabia,(My major is Managment Informatiom System),
I am very interesting to join with You and shares information and
Technique .

I am preparing for project in (a course), and I faced some problems:
1. I want some themes related to FootBall for Access , and How can I
implemented/use it.


This is what I think about [This is my CustomerID- the initial one
07 01 0001
[ [07].Year [01].Month [0001] rest (vary) ]

Now, I want to make the CustomerID increased automatically firstly by
the 4digits (rest), secondly by the month "automatically", finally by
the Year.

For Example:
When I have 3 customers in the same month the IDs will be like this:
In the next month which is month 2 also 3 customers, their IDs will be
like this:
In the other year also I have 3 customers
This is the all problem.

Finally, I hope that I define and describe my problem in the right

I am sorry if I interrupt you or make you busy with me.



Hi Larry Linson,
let me Thank you first Larry Linson
I start thinking about the themes when I made a search in the help in
access and the result was very suriprise because it was unrelated to
what I really searched, it gave me some topics and one of them the
themes , and from that time until now I am thinking about it,

About the customer ID:

I want to do somthing new on my project , when I made a presentation I
can focus on somthing to take the Proofosor attention and the all
students "smile" and the other reason I wnat my system to be full
automatically I don't want the user enter any ID because whn he enter
it he may enter any number without any rule.

Thank You Larry Linson

Larry Linson

let me Thank you first Larry Linson

You are welcome.
I start thinking about the themes when I
made a search in the help in access and
the result was very suriprise because it
was unrelated to what I really searched,
it gave me some topics and one of them
the themes , and from that time until
now I am thinking about it,

I do see a topic on Themes in Access 2003 Help -- that is, it allows you to
apply the current Windows Theme to the Controls... interesting. When I
looked in Control Panel, I am using the "Windows XP" theme, and when I
looked in Tools | Options | Forms/Reports, found I was using "Windows Themed
Controls" -- and had not been aware that I was. The only options I found in
Display in Control Panel were "Windows XP" and "Classic Windows" and "more
themes online".
About the customer ID:

I want to do somthing new on my project ,
when I made a presentation I can focus on
somthing to take the Proofosor attention
and the all students "smile"

Assuming your Professor knows relational database rules, as I would guess is
the case, including the disparate items in the Customer ID in violation of
the atomicity rule is more likely to cause a sad, pitying shake of the
Professor's head than a "smile". Burying information within a string as you
propose makes it far more difficult to use that information, later, than if
it is in its own separate Field.

What I am saying is, "do something else to catch the Professor's attention,
so you catch it in a good way rather than a bad way."
and the other reason I wnat my system to be
full automatically I don't want the user enter
any ID because whn he enter it he may enter
any number without any rule.

There was nothing in what I posted that either said, or implied, that the
user shoud have to enter the Customer ID, and I agree that it should be
created by the system.

The AutoNumber data type will automatically provide a unique ID, but there
are circumstances in which it will not be a monotonically increasing value
and that does not please many, including some auditors and accountants --
thus, we suggest that you not use AutoNumber to generate an identification
that is displayed to the user, but reserve it for internal use within your
database application, such as primary and foreign key fields to link master
and child records. You can easily, in VBA code, using the DMAX domain
aggregate function, create your own sequential number and, with care, assure
that it is a monotonically increasing value that will not disturb the
accountants or auditors who see it.

My objection was to a design that includes date information along with the
sequential number. Sometime, you may need to work with the date that the
record was created, and then you'll have to extract it from the Field where
you have buried it, or you'll keep it separately, also, in which case you'll
be storing redundant information.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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