Need help in working a class event handler...



I'm trying to check a formfield on its contents and message box to the user
about no entry and not allow printing. I've found the code that allows
msgboxing from the
AppThatLooksInsideThisEventHandler_DocumentBeforePrint(ByVal Doc As
Document, Cancel As Boolean) routine in the class event handler. Where do I
place the code to check the formfield? I tired to run this code from a class
module within the document itself, which I would rather do, but it doesn't
work. Can I refer to the class module in a document module or do I create a
new class module in the documemt I want to check? Also, I want to cancel the
printing if the contents are not filled in. Can all of this be done in one
document without needing to addin an event handler dot?

Tony Jollans

You can do this with an application event handler if you want, but an easier
way is simply to trap the print request.

In a standard module create two procedures:

Sub FilePrint
' Traps File > Print from the Menu
End Sub

Sub FilePrintDefault
' Traps pressing on the Print icon on the standard Toolbar
End Sub


I tried what you said, but it keeps recursing itself through the printfile
sub. Also, I don't see a way to prevent printing


Here is an example that's not working in the module
Public Function text_check() As Boolean
Dim retval
If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Text").Result = "<< ENTER SALUTATION >>"
Or ActiveDocument.FormFields("Text").Result = "" Then
' MsgBox "Formfield has not been filled out... can not exit"
retval = False
retval = True
End If

End Function

Sub FilePrint()
MsgBox "fileprint"
retval = text_check()
End Sub

Tony Jollans

What exactly do you mean by not working?

The FilePrint routine will run when the user selects File > Print. It runs
*instead of* (not as well as) the built in command. If, having made your
checks, you do want to print, you must do so explicitly.

Public Function text_check() As Boolean
Dim retval
If ActiveDocument.FormFields("Text").Result = "<< ENTER SALUTATION >>"
Or ActiveDocument.FormFields("Text").Result = "" Then
' MsgBox "Formfield has not been filled out... can not exit"
retval = False
retval = True
End If

End Function

Sub FilePrint()
MsgBox "fileprint"
retval = text_check()
If retval then activedocument.printout ' etc.
End Sub


I was using the example that you must set as an addin to the
document or template. I then call the template. It was not working because I
saved the template with the eventhandler as an addin to the 2nd template. I
realize now that the second template did not save the addin. The addin was
there but not checked. When I rechecked it, it worked. I'll try your solution
which is more of what I want. I still don't get the need for creating
instances for your code. Even if you want the code to run in 100 different
documents, I would rather want to find the code inside the document I am
working with...

Thanks for the example!


Oh - One more thing , I need to call all the events that a user can choose
from via Word (i.e. save as, print, print preview, save, close, etc...)

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