Not for includes.
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| Thanks Thomas
| In had a go and noticed that it uses webots. Does FP rely on FP extensions
| to do this?
| Paul M
| | > Yes, the content that is between the opening and closing body tags
| > (HTML/Code View)
| >
| > --
| > ==============================================
| > Thomas A. Rowe
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >
| >
| > ==============================================
| >
| >
| > | >> Thanks
| >> So you can use the include component to include several other pages
| >> one page. Does it do this by adding the pages into table cells?
| >> Paul M
| >> | >>> No, his solution uses the FP Include Page component and 3 separate
| >>> pages, however he is also doing the uploading which allows FP to
| >>> the page using the included content.
| >>>
| >>> --
| >>> ==============================================
| >>> Thomas A. Rowe
| >>> Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> ==============================================
| >>>
| >>>
| >>> | >>>> Hi
| >>>> Does this require you to use frames
| >>>> Paul M
| >>>> message | >>>>>I don't know if this is the best way but I have three different
| >>>>> working on stuff that ends up on the same page. I give each of them
| >>>>> page
| >>>>> with one table on it they can edit and write forever. Then I use
| >>>>> "include" feature (FP 2002) to bring their work onto one page, each
| >>>>> one into
| >>>>> a different cell of the master table on the page that the world gets
| >>>>> to see.
| >>>>> I do all the uploads so if something gets messed up I can catch it
| >>>>> before it
| >>>>> goes.
| >>>>>
| >>>>> "john doe" wrote:
| >>>>>
| >>>>>> I was needing some help. How can I use FrontPage to make
| >>>>>> the news webpage editable so different managers can put news
| >>>>>> on the website without messing the whole webpage up.
| >>>>>> I'd like to have them only edit the text in a box on the webpage.
| >>>>>> Please advise.
| >>>>>> Thanks
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>>>
| >>>>
| >>>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >>
| >>
| >
| >