I need to add someone to this macro-it is working correctlky (Iam brand new
at writing them), but I need to add one more thing and cannot figure it out.
I need to tell it to stop when it gets to text. I cannot tell it to only
read numeric because after the text are more numbers that I do not want. So
how do I tell it to read the numeric, but stop when it gets to text in the
first sentence of this macro? Thanks!
Range("I" & Range("Restraints").Row).End(xlToLeft).Select
Sheets("RESTRAINTS").Range("B5").Value = ActiveCell.Value
at writing them), but I need to add one more thing and cannot figure it out.
I need to tell it to stop when it gets to text. I cannot tell it to only
read numeric because after the text are more numbers that I do not want. So
how do I tell it to read the numeric, but stop when it gets to text in the
first sentence of this macro? Thanks!
Range("I" & Range("Restraints").Row).End(xlToLeft).Select
Sheets("RESTRAINTS").Range("B5").Value = ActiveCell.Value