Need help please!!!



I am trying to lay out some information in an excel workbook. All the
information is divided into subtopics eg starters, mains, desserts. But I
then need to be able to search within these subtopics eg if I were to search
within 'mains' for 'fish' all the fish mains would be higlighted.
is this even possible? please help

tim m

It depends on just how you have things layed out. Are you looking to search
for cells with the word fish in it or do these cells just contain the word
fish somewhere in the cell? (example A2 has the word 'fish' or A2 has
'mushroom fish flambee')

If there is a seperate category that distinguishes all the fish dishes you
could use 'data' .... 'filter' .... 'autofilter' at the top of your headings
and when you click on the little filter arrow at the top of each headin you
can click on fish and all the fish dishes would appear.

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