need help populating combo box on User Form


Scott A

I'd like to add a User Form to a template that lets the
user select from a list of possible AutoText entries (but
not all AT) that contain pre-formatted content sections to
the document.

I've started to work on the User Form in the VB editor,
but can't figure out how to populate the RowSource
property of the combo box!

I'd like the combo box to have two columns, one that
contains the name of the AutoText entry to run and a
second column that displays a label for each...

Does anyone have any suggestions?


Scott A

Jonathan West

Hi Scott,

Populate a 2-column array with the data you want, then set the List property
of the combobox to the array.

Scott A

Jonathan -

Thanks for the tip - I'd seen references to an array in
the Help file, but I don't have the entire Help file, so I
couldn't get instructions for creating an array!!!

You wouldn't by chance know of any resources that describe
this procedure in VBA?



Jonathan West

Scott A said:
Jonathan -

Thanks for the tip - I'd seen references to an array in
the Help file, but I don't have the entire Help file, so I
couldn't get instructions for creating an array!!!

In that case, I really think you need to do a full install of Office so you
can get the whole Help. Complain bitterly to your system admin if necessary
You wouldn't by chance know of any resources that describe
this procedure in VBA?

Scott A

My bitterest complaints have been met with confusion and
indifference. My admin is unaware of the existence of any
additional office installation materials!

Thanks for posting the link, though. I'll see what I can


Jonathan West

Scott A said:
My bitterest complaints have been met with confusion and
indifference. My admin is unaware of the existence of any
additional office installation materials!

That is a depressingly common situation. If you have a computer at home that
has Word installed, and if you did a full install on it, that computer will
have all the help files. Bring it in to work one day, and show your admin
that Help is working, and tell him that you expect your work machine to have
the same facilities, as the lack of them is preventing you from doin your
job effectively.

Then if that has no effect, you can follow it up with written complaints up
the management chain. Provided you can justify it in terms of objectives yu
have been given for your own job perfrmance, you should be able to win in
the end!

Good luck!

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