need help printing rows & headers w/macro




My spreadsheet is a gradebook and I'd like to create a
sheet for each student with his/her scores for the
semester on it by printing two rows on the same page:
their row of scores, and the row above where the
assignments are labeled.

I know how to 'manually' do this via the print setup menu
(file, print setup)& choosing the rows to repeat on each
page, but I'd like to learn how to automate this
process. I found an similar post in an old newsgroup,
and someone suggested:

'set up a separate worksheet as a print page, using
vlookups to lookup individual student scores and
printing. You could set up a macro to print your whole
gradebook, one student at a time this way"

Can anyone walk me thru this process?

Thanks for any help,

Earl Kiosterud


Tell us what we're starting with. Is there a single sheet with the student
scores? Do you need to keep each student sheet in the book, or is it just
for printing one student at a time? In the latter case, a Word mail-merge
might be ideal, if the answer to the first question is yes.


Thanks for the response Earl...yes, the student scores
are all on a single sheet,, and I just need to print one
student's scores at a time for them to check their scores.
The Word merge sounds ideal, if you could talk me through
it, because then I could save paper by printing more than
one student's scores on a page and cutting the paper to
give each student a slip with their scores rather than a
whole page. (Tight budgets, having to use my own paper,

Thanks again.

Earl Kiosterud


I don't think the mail merge will put more than one on a page. I don't know
of a straightforward way to do this in Excel either. A macro could do it.
This doesn't lend itself to a verbal answer of general interest. If you
wish, send me the workbook, and I'll take a look.

If you can drop the requirement to print multiple students on a page, the
Word mail merge is a good solution. Here are a few tips:

Your table must be a standard table. There must be headings ("Name" etc.)
in the first row. There must be only one row per student. If it doesn't
start at the top of the sheet, it may need to be a named range. Not sure.

The Word mail-merge process varies with your version of Word. When you do
the "Open data source," you'll navigate to and select the excel workbook,
and then point it to the table. Then when you insert merge fields, you'll
see them, as named by your column headings in the Excel sheet.

Once you've gone through this, you don't have to do it again. The next time
you just do "merge" (to printer, or to a new document), and it produces the
number of Word documents that it finds records in your Excel table, using
the current data.

Debra Dalgleish

You can print multiple reports per page if you choose Mailing Labels in
Step 1 of the Mail Merge Wizard. Select a label that's the size you'd
like to distribute to the students. For example, Avery Standard Label
5163 - Shipping would print ten 2"x4" reports per page.

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