Need help producing reports



Here is the scenario:
I have a contracts database. I need to have reports done where I can choose
a vendor from a dropdown menu and get a report showing which contracts they
have had with us. I am using Access 2007 running on Windows XP. I have two
databases (1) Vendor name and contact info and (2) all contracts with
vendaors, dates, costs, descriptions, etc. Any ideas how I can get this

Mark Andrews

Sounds like a pretty standard type of report senerio.

have a form with a combobox, the combo box should have two columns:
- vendorID (hidden)
- vendorname (shown to user)

in the query that drives the report use
Forms!frmMyFormName!MyComboBoxName in the WHERE clause to restrict the
query to only return contracts for that particular vendor.

You can also refer to the same combobox on the report itself
for example have a subheading ="Vendor: " &

Mark Andrews
RPT Software

PS: Send me an email if you need any additional help.

June7 via

Do you mean you have two tables: VendorInfo and Contracts?
Combobox on form with RowSource list of vendors. In AfterUpdate event of
combobox run:
DoCmd.OpenReport reportname, , , "VendorInfoTable.vendornamefield='" &
comboboxname & "'"
This uses the WHERE argument of the OpenReport method to filter the report's
recordset; report's RecordSource includes a join of the two tables.

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