Thanks Tom
But I've hit a new brick-wall
I don't suppose you know a way to get a string of text from a small text
5 charecters to be exact - a weight 000KG
I know about - Data , import external data
but the user is so pc clumsy
I need to automate it
what I need is to extract the weight which is now refreshed with every row
and place it in a cell
I worked the whole lot out myself
I wrote a file using delphi to send a byte to the scales and recieve the
weight into a text file
I'm just stuck on this - getting the weight from the text file into the
any help would be most appreciated
Tom Ogilvy said:
Sub Macro5()
Dim ctrl as Long
Dim tmpstr as String
Open "LPT1:" For Output As #1
Print #1, "[Start of Printing Test]"
For ctrl = 1 To 10
tmpstr = "Printing Line " + Str(ctrl)
Print #1, tmpstr
tmpstr = "[End of printing test]" + Chr(12)
Print #1, tmpstr
Close #1
End Sub
uses the lpt1 device name to send text to a printer. COM1 is the device
name for the com1 port. You could try a similar approach.
You might want to open COM1 as binary and use the PUT command to write the
"?" character.
File Access with Visual Basic® for Applications
Tom Ogilvy
Ftca said:
OK I worked out the 1st part by searching newsgroups - google
what a nice tool btw!
and learned about locking and protecting worksheets
but the 2nd part
that is - I need to send 1 charector from excel 2000 - a ? to com1
which a set of scales is attatched to , once the scales recieves the ? chr
it sends the current weight back through the com port
which I need to enter in a cell names weight.
I would really appreciate some hints
I tried to recall old dos commands like rediection and pipes but
managed to send the ? but could not recieve anything
the scales must use 4800,8,n,1
I need to design a sheet that is of a set size
i.e 20 rows by 20 columns
I'm inputting the data with a barcode scanner (via serial port)
I need the cursor to automatically go to a new line and start of line
once the top line is full of data.
I have spent hours reading help and searching the net but to no success
can someone please help me here?
I also have an even harder problem
and that is -
can excel send a "?" chr via a com port and
then input the response ( a weight in KG) back into a cell?
its a set of scales for animals
Thanks in advance