Need help saving .pub file as .doc


Renae Lindsay

I tried saving my (W2K) Pub file as MSWord (2000) but it won't let me. Pub
tells me it's a text file and all the graphics will be lost. How can I save
the entire file as a word .doc file?


PS. Regarding my last problem of not saving as web page, I had a huge
problem with my hardware in Win2000. It was the butterfly effect and the
pub error was the butterfly flapping. Thanks anyway to those who responded.

Renae Lindsay

Well, that's an obvious answer Don. Thanks for that. I was looking for a
way to save me some time. The file is very large. If anyone else has any
other solutions I would appreciate it.


Renae Lindsay

Ahh, by cutting and pasting. Yes, that worked. I was hoping for just
converting it and saving it as .doc... would have been easier, but this way
works to. Thanks.


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