Need help simplifying t test information




Maybe you could give more information as to what you need?

As a starting point a t-test can be done in Excel using =TTEST. The
arguments are:

=TTEST(array1, array2, tails, type).

'Array1' and 'Array2' are the two sets of data that you want to 'compare.
'Tails' is for whether you want a one-tailed or two-tailed test.
'Type' is whether your sample is array1 and array2 are paired, have equal
varaince, or unequal variance.

Does this help any? I would also add that:

(1) Excel is not strong with statisitcal analysis but can handle most basic
(2) If you actually want to learn more about the ttest as a statistical
procedure then I would 'google ttest. There is a welath of info out there.



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