Need help to delete break



Word 2007

I've done a search and read all the threads on deleteing breaks and am still
at a loss.

I have a outline going that is now at 3 pages and growing. After a Heading
I line and a following line of normal text Word is insisting on a break
before I resume with a heading 2 format text. The break appears on the draft
view and leaves 2/3 of a page blank on the first page. In the draft view it
is just a dotted line and does not identify itself as a page or section
break. If I go to the end of the document, on the lower bar ther is no
information on multiple sections so I am assuming that there is only one
section. If I highlight the text before, through and past the offending
break, the break does not go away. I can't selct the break in draft mode so
that I can delete it. I tried making the bottom margin smaller from one
thread, with no effect.

How can I delete this break?


The offending break seems to occur after the "Normal" format text and just
before the outline numbered text outline begins. If I change the top three
lines (the project name, the title of the document and the date) to say
"Heading 1" then the automatic break disappears.

I don't want the entire document to be a numbered outline; I need the
document to have the project name, the title of the document and the date
before the outlione begins.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If your outline is constructed of heading styles, the problem is caused by
the fact that Headings 1-4 are formatted as "Keep with next" (Format |
Paragraph | Line and Page breaks), which causes them to chase one another
until they fill a page and Word is forced to insert a break. To avoid this
problem, remove the KWN formatting from at least Headings 3 and 4.

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