Need help to Floating Frames error



I used a function that is in one web and I tried to modify to my web but
give an error,

This is an example:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function functionName(fileName1,fileName2) {
parent.frameName1.location.href = fileName1;
parent.FrameName2.location.href = fileName2;


<a href="javascript:functionname('pf1.htm','pf2.htm')">Go</a>

<p><iframe name="frameName1">
El explorador no admite los marcos flotantes o no está configurado
actualmente para mostrarlos.
<p><iframe name="frameName2">
El explorador no admite los marcos flotantes o no está configurado
actualmente para mostrarlos.



When I clic on Go the "Page error" is showed in the bottom bar, I have the
web pages pf1.htm and pt2.htm in my practice folder.

Wath is my error?

I'm using Floating Frames in Frontpage 2003

Best Regards,

Javier Salvatierra

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