Ted Thomson
I hope someone can help me
I have just started with a reasonably large homeless organisation where they
collect large amounts of statistical data using excell. There are 25
induvidual services hence 25 induvidual data sets. Each set essentially
contains the
1. a referral worksheet (Monthly)
2. an induvidual stats sheet (for each referal that becomes a client)
3. an occupancy stats sheet (Like a tally sheet 1 counts for each day + a
Bfwd and Cfwd column)
4. a monthly summary report (combines data from all)
Whilst a Database comes to mind at this time they wish to stick with excell.
At the momment the whole process is manual each spreadsheet is filled out as
needed at the end of the month it is printed off and then manually entered
into the report spreadsheet (errors galore) which is then printed off
manually checked for errors and manually corrected. I am wanting to merge
the 1,2 and 3 above into a single Worksheet that will capture all the input
data. This part is fine I can handle this. I then want to be able to have a
second worksheet automatically updated with just the client data. and a third
worksheet that provides the report (this part is ok as well ive figured it
Where I need help is how do i automate the process of getting the data from
worksheet 1 to 2 based on certain criteria ie
First Wrksht
1. Name Name DOB AGE Sex DOB Accepted
2. Fred Smith **/**/** 16 m **/**/** yes
3. Mary Brown **/**/** 17 f **/**/** yes
4. John Brown **/**/** 23 m **/**/** yes
5. Gary Elmore **/**/** 18 m **/**/** no
6. David Neal **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
7. Tracy Duggan **/**/** 15 f **/**/** no
8. David Smith **/**/** 16 m **/**/** no
9. Bill Jones **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
10 Susan Bray **/**/** 15 f **/**/** yes
11. Liz Grey **/**/** 16 f **/**/** yes Second Wrksht
1. Name Name DOB AGE Sex DOB Accepted
2. Fred Smith **/**/** 16 m **/**/** yes
3. Mary Brown **/**/** 17 f **/**/** yes
4. John Brown **/**/** 23 m **/**/** yes
5. David Neal **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
6. Bill Jones **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
7. Susan Bray **/**/** 15 f **/**/** yes
8. Liz Grey **/**/** 16 f **/**/** yes
so the second worksheet only shows accepted clients I can then use this
wrksheet to provide the data for my formulas in the third wrksht which is the
monthly report.
Note the number of rows each month will change based on No of referals
I hope I have made sense Im sure that there is a way of doing this but im
just at a loss
please help anyone
I have just started with a reasonably large homeless organisation where they
collect large amounts of statistical data using excell. There are 25
induvidual services hence 25 induvidual data sets. Each set essentially
contains the
1. a referral worksheet (Monthly)
2. an induvidual stats sheet (for each referal that becomes a client)
3. an occupancy stats sheet (Like a tally sheet 1 counts for each day + a
Bfwd and Cfwd column)
4. a monthly summary report (combines data from all)
Whilst a Database comes to mind at this time they wish to stick with excell.
At the momment the whole process is manual each spreadsheet is filled out as
needed at the end of the month it is printed off and then manually entered
into the report spreadsheet (errors galore) which is then printed off
manually checked for errors and manually corrected. I am wanting to merge
the 1,2 and 3 above into a single Worksheet that will capture all the input
data. This part is fine I can handle this. I then want to be able to have a
second worksheet automatically updated with just the client data. and a third
worksheet that provides the report (this part is ok as well ive figured it
Where I need help is how do i automate the process of getting the data from
worksheet 1 to 2 based on certain criteria ie
First Wrksht
1. Name Name DOB AGE Sex DOB Accepted
2. Fred Smith **/**/** 16 m **/**/** yes
3. Mary Brown **/**/** 17 f **/**/** yes
4. John Brown **/**/** 23 m **/**/** yes
5. Gary Elmore **/**/** 18 m **/**/** no
6. David Neal **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
7. Tracy Duggan **/**/** 15 f **/**/** no
8. David Smith **/**/** 16 m **/**/** no
9. Bill Jones **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
10 Susan Bray **/**/** 15 f **/**/** yes
11. Liz Grey **/**/** 16 f **/**/** yes Second Wrksht
1. Name Name DOB AGE Sex DOB Accepted
2. Fred Smith **/**/** 16 m **/**/** yes
3. Mary Brown **/**/** 17 f **/**/** yes
4. John Brown **/**/** 23 m **/**/** yes
5. David Neal **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
6. Bill Jones **/**/** 18 m **/**/** yes
7. Susan Bray **/**/** 15 f **/**/** yes
8. Liz Grey **/**/** 16 f **/**/** yes
so the second worksheet only shows accepted clients I can then use this
wrksheet to provide the data for my formulas in the third wrksht which is the
monthly report.
Note the number of rows each month will change based on No of referals
I hope I have made sense Im sure that there is a way of doing this but im
just at a loss
please help anyone