Need Help W/ Data Protection



Hi all,

I have a spreadsheet that includes confidential revenue
info on it which I cannot transmit electronically. This
sheet is the basis for a series of pivot tables that
represent the revenue range by color and in aggregation
which is OK to send. To keep recipients from viewing the
revenue info, I can hide the columns and password-protect
the base sheet. However, it is then still possible to
access the information by pulling the revenue fields in
via the pivot table wizard. Is there a way to prevent
recipients from adding new fields to a pivot table or is
there another way to protect this information?

Thanks in advance,


Paul Corrado


Yes, the pivot tables could no longer be manipulated. That was intentional
on my part as allowing that capability would require the use to have access
to the confidential data and that ran counter to what I believe to be the
result you wished to achieve.

My suggestion is that if you want to maintain the confidentiality of your
data to either create summary level information in row form, I believe that
is what Dave is suggesting, or to provide your "clients" with a few
variations of the pivot table results.

Keep in mind that as you provide more details or variations of the
information to the users you increase their ability to recreate the source


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