Need help with an average query


Joe Cilinceon

What I have is a table called Leases it contains a start date and end date.
What I want to do is get the average length of the lease from the start date
to the end date and if the end date is null I want to use the current date.

Joe Cilinceon

Joe said:
What I have is a table called Leases it contains a start date and end
date. What I want to do is get the average length of the lease from
the start date to the end date and if the end date is null I want to
use the current date.

I solved with Nz(EndDate,Date())

Rick Brandt

Joe said:
What I have is a table called Leases it contains a start date and end
date. What I want to do is get the average length of the lease from
the start date to the end date and if the end date is null I want to
use the current date.

SELECT LeaseID, Avg(DateDiff("d", [Start Date], Nz([End Date], Date()))) As Days

Rick Brandt

Rick said:
Joe said:
What I have is a table called Leases it contains a start date and
end date. What I want to do is get the average length of the lease
from the start date to the end date and if the end date is null I
want to use the current date.

SELECT LeaseID, Avg(DateDiff("d", [Start Date], Nz([End Date],
Date()))) As Days GROUP BY LeaseID

DOH! Obviously the LeaseID and Group By above should not be there.

Joe Cilinceon

Rick said:
Rick said:
Joe said:
What I have is a table called Leases it contains a start date and
end date. What I want to do is get the average length of the lease
from the start date to the end date and if the end date is null I
want to use the current date.

SELECT LeaseID, Avg(DateDiff("d", [Start Date], Nz([End Date],
Date()))) As Days GROUP BY LeaseID

DOH! Obviously the LeaseID and Group By above should not be there.

Actually it took me 3 queries to get what I wanted, they are listed below.

DateDiff("m",[StartDate],Nz([EndDate],Date())) AS LengthOfStay

SELECT Avg(LGTHOFSTAY1.LengthOfStay) AS AvgOfLengthOfStay

LGTHOFSTAY3 (Which is what I wanted)
SELECT LGTHOFSTAY2.AvgOfLengthOfStay, Int([AvgOfLengthOfStay]/12) AS Years,
Int([AvgOfLengthOfStay]-([Years]*12)) AS Months, Str([Years]) & " years " &
Str([Months]) & " months" AS AvgLengthOfStay

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