Need help with an embedded IF statement



I need to write an embedded IF statement for a compensation report that would
do the following:
Cell A2 will be a value of 1, 2 or 3
Cell B2 will be a value of N, M or E
If cell A2 = 1 and cell B2 = N, enter text '0%'
If cell A2 = 1 and cell B2 = M, enter text 'a-b%'
If cell A2 = 1 and cell B2 = E, enter text 'c-d%'
If cell A2 = 2 and cell B2 = N, enter text '0%'
If cell A2 = 2 and cell B2 = M, enter text 'e-f%'
If cell A2 = 2 and cell B2 = E, enter text 'g-h%'
If cell A2 = 3 and cell B2 = N, enter text '0%'
If cell A2 = 3 and cell B2 = M, enter text 'i-j%'
If cell A2 = 3 and cell B2 = E, enter text 'k-l%'
Your help would be much appreciated!


Try in say, C2, array-entered with CSE*

*press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to confim the formula
(instead of just pressing ENTER)


=IF(B2="N", "0%", IF(B2="M", IF(A2=1, "a-b%", IF(A2=2, "e-f%", IF(A2=3
"i-j%",""))), IF(B2="E", IF(A2=1, "c-d%", IF(A2=2, "g-h%", IF(A2=3


Thank you for your reply, although when I tried it on my spreadsheet it gave
me the correct '0%' for anybody who had a N value in B2 and a blank field for
all others. Any other advise?


Thank you for your reply although when I tried it it gave me errors in all
cells. Any other advise?


The formula are checking A2 and B2, is this formula in C2?

and when you say for all others? where are they in the range?

A3, B3, C3?
Thank you for your reply, although when I tried it on my spreadsheet it
me the correct '0%' for anybody who had a N value in B2 and a blank
field for
all others. Any other advise?


Lari said:
Thank you for your reply
although when I tried it it gave me errors in all cells.

Think you might not have confirmed the array formula properly over there ..

Here's a quick sample implementation to illustrate:

Place the formula below into C2's formula bar,
then *array-enter* the formula
by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER [CSE]
(instead of just pressing ENTER):


If confirmed correctly, Excel will auto-insert & wrap curly braces: { }
around the formula. (Do not type these curly braces into the formula itself!)

Note that array-entering using CSE has to be re-done should the formula be
edited subsequently.

With the formula in C2 correctly array-entered, just copy C2 down to return
correspondingly as required for other pairs of values in A3:B3, A4:B4, etc


Here's a quick sample implementation to illustrate:

Just detected, sorry ..
Pl note the above sample was inadvertently saved in manual calc mode.
Before testing it out, change it back to auto calc mode via clicking:
Tools > Options > Calculation tab > Check Automatic > OK

(otherwise nothing will appear to happen <g>)

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