Need Help with an Excel Formula!


m4d Ir15h

I have been trying to work on this for a while... and I hope I can get some

basically, what I am working on is a type of checker.

Here is what I have come up with...


basically, this states that if there is something in B7 then, it would add
$15.00... or if there is something in B8, then it would also add $15.00,
which is great. But what I need that formula to basically do is the following:

B7 with a value greater than Zero and b8 = Zero, add $15.00
B8 with a value greater than Zero and b7 = Zero, add $15.00
B8 AND B7 has a value greater than Zero, add $30.00

Get what I mean?


If my understanding is correct use it on c7 and copy to c8


regards from Brazil
Thanks in advance for your feedback.

"m4d Ir15h" escreveu:

m4d Ir15h

Actually... that works great...
but one final question on that formula... what do you have to do to make it
say 0.00 instead of False if nothing has been entered in one one of those
specific cells (suchs as B7 of B8)?

m4d Ir15h

What if I wanted to add a third item in the following formula?


For istance, if it would include B6, B7, B8...? so for each cell that had a
value greater than zero would add $15.00 to a total?

In other words...

If 1 of the 3 cells were filled... then it would add $15.

If 2 of the 3 were filled, it would add $30.00...

and if all three were filled, then it would add $45.00?

JE McGimpsey

One way:


m4d Ir15h said:
What if I wanted to add a third item in the following formula?


For istance, if it would include B6, B7, B8...? so for each cell that had a
value greater than zero would add $15.00 to a total?

In other words...

If 1 of the 3 cells were filled... then it would add $15.

If 2 of the 3 were filled, it would add $30.00...

and if all three were filled, then it would add $45.00?

JE McGimpsey

Oops - I answered "were filled", rather than "greater than zero". For
the latter, one way:


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