Set a Select Case "fieldname" in the code to allow you to
have specific fields updated, deleted, etc. or a rash of
of things to happen. Make a Case "fieldvalue" line
followed by the code you wish to happen. This is like an
If... ElseIf... ElseIf .. End If kind of thing.
Select Case "fieldname"
Case "fieldvalue1"
insert code here
Case "fieldvalue2"
insert code here
end select
Hope this is what you are searching for.
have specific fields updated, deleted, etc. or a rash of
of things to happen. Make a Case "fieldvalue" line
followed by the code you wish to happen. This is like an
If... ElseIf... ElseIf .. End If kind of thing.
Select Case "fieldname"
Case "fieldvalue1"
insert code here
Case "fieldvalue2"
insert code here
end select
Hope this is what you are searching for.