Need help with below question



I had this file with me. there were few hiddne formula. i found out one
formula which was =c6*root!$g$3. My Question is whats is the use of this
formula and how it works. Also, why im unable to find it in excel help tool?

Thanks in advance for help!

Mike H



C6 is a cell in the worksheet the formula is in

$G$3 is cell G3 on a worksheet called Root

the formula multiplies these 2 cells together

The dollar signs stop G3 changing if the formula is dragged down or across

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the


"root" is the name of a sheet in the file - it may have been hidden.
The formula basically multiplies the contents of cell C6 with G3 in
the root sheet.

Hope this helps.


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