Need help with blank spaces in report



Can someone out there help me? I am fairly good with MS Access 2000
but I am simply stuck on this issue.

I have a report that is producing blank lines between records.

The report is a ranking of students by a control that is an expressio
from a query. The report simply has StudentsID, LastName, FirstNam
and Expr1, which is an expression from a query. The report generate
duplicates, so on all controls I have Hide Duplicates set to Yes,
also have all controls set to Yes on CanShrink and CanGrow. Stil
there are spaces as if the duplicate records should appear but the

It looks something like this:

2345 Smith Pat 5.67
4532 Jones Tim 4.78

5476 Hill, John 3.78

There are big white space gaps between records.

This may be a basic thing, but I've tried an tried and cannot get th
space to disappear.

Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated


The height of my Detail Section is down to as far as it can go.

Anybody else have any other suggestions on how to get this to displa
correctly or maybe someway of exporting it??


Duane Hookom

Is there a reason why you don't base your report on a totals query that
groups by the fields so no duplicates are sent to the report? Another option
is to create a footer or header section and place your controls in the
"group section". Then make the detail section invisible.



Your solution worked. I appreciate the help.
There is one added feature that I am trying to do with this report bu
cannot seem to do.

That is - I am listing averages on the report in decending order (fro
best average to worst) and what I am trying to do is have a rank numbe
on the report as well.

The report has on it, StudentID, LastName, FirstName, and Average. Th
average control is taken from a query that calculated the totals. Ho
can I get the listings on the report to also include a rank??

So it would look something like:

1 2345 Smith Pat 5.67
2 4532 Jones Tim 4.78
3 5476 Hill John 3.78

(of course the fields would line-up correctly)

I am experimenting trying to put a rank in the totals query but can'
seem to get it over to the report.

Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated.


Duane Hookom

Placing your Rank in the query is more difficult than directly in the

Add a text box and set these properties:

Control Source: =1
Running Sum: Over All



Yes that worked - thanks for all your help - it's nice to know tha
there is somewhere I can come to get some answers

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