Need help with chart


Savong Tea

I need help. How do I enter the title and x and y axis
bars in the chart in Microsoft Excel?
Where do I click to decide which range scale?

Sylvia Yanti

-----Original Message-----
I need help. How do I enter the title and x and y axis
bars in the chart in Microsoft Excel?
Where do I click to decide which range scale?

Hi Savong,
Based on what you said, you should create a chart by
going to the Insert --> Chart . This will bring you a
lists for chart that you want to create. For example, if
I want the line chart,choose the chart sub-type that you
want.After that, you will see the source data form. It
will ask for your data range and how you want to show it
in the data , either in rows or columns, but usually
people prefer to show it in rows. Besides, for the data
range, you should put the data you want to display for
the chart. Then click Ok, will goes to the chart options.
Here is the place where you should enter the chart title,
category(x axis) and value (y axis). As you enter the
appropriate data for each box, the little chart will
shows you the output of what you enter beside the small
After you have finished creating your chart, now you can
modify your scale range. For instance, you want to change
your scales to bigger gap from 100 to 250 instead of from
100 to 200, so you need to point the numbers on the
left, double click--> format Axis --> scale--> change
the mininum to 100 and maximum to 250. The scale range
will change automatically after you change your minimum
and maximum value(Y) axis scale.

I hope this helps


Jon Peltier

Note that if you decide you don't like the choices you made in the chart
wizard, you can change the chart after you've finished. Check out the
options on the chart menu and the right click context menu: you will be
able to reset anything from the chart wizard.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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