need help with email stationery - PLEASE !!!


Jeannette Fitch

I would like to create custom stationery to match my personal business needs,
so that when I send out an email to clients it LOOKS like my stationery that
I print out. I don't know why this is so complicated and seemingly
impossible. Even if I save my stationery as an htm file in the stationery
folder in Office 2007 it doesn't show up on the list of stationery options
when I create an email. I am highly frustrated with this and would
appreciate any tips or suggestions from anyone regarding this. I am not a
programmer, and I don't understand HTML, so please be gentle with me in
describing what I should do. I have been able to insert a background color
and an image on an individual email, but unfortunately I can't seem to add
other items, like a page border, header or footer to contain my address, and
different "paper" looks, like a shaded column on one side, etc. I can't,
however, save these changes as a "default" email format. Why would you make
Office unable to have a custom stationery??? In these days of communication
by email it is even more important to be able to "brand" your email to your
clients. Please help me to find a way to do this, without spending even more
money. Thanks.

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Roady [MVP]

-----Don't abuse the suggestion feature for general questions-----

Create a new message and use the Themes and Styles groups on the Options and
Format Text tab to save your customizations as a theme.

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