Need Help with Entering Actual Work Undertaken



Haven't been on here for a while but hoping one of you
clever people can help me!! :eek:)

At the moment I've resources my schedule and have
allocated hours that each task will take to perform. I
now want to enter actual hours that a resource has spent
working on a task in any particular month. I'm able to
enter these actual hours in the column titled 'actual
work' within the Resource Usage view but when I do MS
Project autamatically re-calculates the work remaining -

I want to be able to view the planned work each month
against the actual work in a graphical form.

Can someone pleeeeeeease help!! :eek:)



Jan De Messemaeker

Hi Matt,

Go ta Task usage View
In the left part, insert a column "Remaining Work"
Right-Click on the right part, select Actual Work
You can now enter actual work on a timescaled base
When you do not like remaining work as recalculated,you cna change it

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620



You must be an idiot or very dense. What did you expect
to happen to the "remaining Work" field when you enter
actual hours. It is supposed to do that. You need to
baseline the project, then compare actual to the baseline.


Steve House

I've estimated that it will take 100 hours total work effort to complete a
task. At some point I've done 25 hours of that. Unless my original
estimate was wrong, doesn't it make sense that I still have 75 hours to do?
That's the purpose of the actual work and remaining work fields. Project
assumes you were correct with your original estimate that the task will be
done when 100 hours of work has been performed. If you are revising your
estimate, enter the actual work done and the estimated work remaining and
Project will calculate the new total work estimate and new duration for you.
If you need to see the original estimate alongside your actuals, that's the
purpose of the baseline. Before entering in any actual progress, in the
Tools menu, Tracking option, save a baseline. That's a snapshot of the plan
as of this instant and will preserve the current figures as a static
reference point as things change in the future and allow you to monitor the
variances of actual versus plan.

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