Need Help with error msg Microsoft Visual C+ + Runtime library



Hello, I need help. I have been reading for a while and I cant seem to find
my solution.

I had the home based windows program that came with my computer, I have now
installed Windows XP. Everything works fine expect for Outlook. I don't know
much about computers. So please speak English when you reply.

Here is my problem.

I double click on the New icon and I get these error messages.
Unable to open default email folders. Could not open the item. Try again.
Would you like to open your default file system folders instead. (Yes or No)
I click Yes
3rd Msg is a Microsoft Visual C+ + Runtime library.
Runtime Error!
Program: C:\PROGRA~1\MIROS~3\office10\OUTLOOK.EXE
This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the applications support team for more information. (OK) then
it closes the program.

I am using Outlook express 6

Please help.....Outlook express sucks

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