need help with excel macro



I need help with a macro for work, if anyone could be so kind. Wha
I need to do is this: I have a cell that various formulas refer t
(say b1). I have a list (say a1:a100) with various values. I need t
copy the first value from the list (a1) to b1, calculate, and print
then copy the next value in the list (a2), calc, print, and so on.
know how to get the calculate and print part into the macro, but I nee
to know how to make the loop that copies the list value, advancing on
cell down each time until it's done. Thanks in advance for any/al
help anyone can provide


Have you tried inserting a what-if analysis data table in you

If you're not familiar with it, basically you can set up a table tha
will show you the end results (calculation) of your model, for a whol
list of different variable values.

Try searching for "What-if" in your Excel help menu and see if thi
might help with your task

Earl Kiosterud


Coll = 2 ' for column B
For i = 1 to 100
' use Cells(i, Coll) in actions here, e.g.:
Range("whatever") = Cells(i, Coll)
next i

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