Need help with excel table and summaries



I have a table I am using to get the total hours worked for a half month
period for employees. I need to have the information for each employee go
to a individual summary for that employee and I need to update it for each
new half month work period.

Pay Period November 16-30, 2006
Day Thu Fri Sat Sun
Empl Name
Joe S.
Fred. M.
Sarah J.
Mike L.

The above is a sample of how the table is laid out.

I've made a summary for each employee with the following:

Employee Name November 16-31, 2006

Joe S. (formula is =A6)
Total hours worked 0 (formula is =SUM(B6:Q6))

Is there a way to copy the worksheet, then update the date information in
one individual's summary and then have it update in the other employee's

I would also like to have the ability to make the first employee summary and
then have it auto fill the next empoyee's summary when I do a fill down
without it skipping employees. Right now I can do fill down after I copy one
or two employees but it skips from Joe S. to Mike L. for example....

I hope this is not too confusing. I am sure it is something simple but I
have not used excel for anything other than really simple things.

Thank you.

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