need help with excel



i want to design a database for work that has part number and othe
specification and somehow i can access the information quickly b
having another menu that search and brings my what im looking for fo

Part Color Material Size
lg45 blue nylon 5
lg46 green copper 6
lg57 blue zinc 3

i need to know how to make another menu where i can type the par
number get the all the info on it or say type color and get a list o
all parts of that color and so on...


i want to design a database for work that has part number and other
specification and somehow i can access the information quickly by
having another menu that search and brings my what im looking for for

Part Color Material Size
lg45 blue nylon 5
lg46 green copper 6
lg57 blue zinc 3

i need to know how to make another menu where i can type the part
all parts of that color and so on....

Maybe AutoFilter meets the need.

With the above data, select columnms A:D and use
Data > Filter > AutoFilter
Pull-down lists appear in row 1. Using the first pull-down to select a Part id causes only rows with that id to remain showing. Likewise for the other columns. To undo filtering on a column, use the pull-down and choose "All."

For details, look up AutoFilter in Excel's built-in Help.

Don Guillett

i want to design a database for work that has part number and other

specification and somehow i can access the information quickly by

having another menu that search and brings my what im looking for for


Part Color Material Size

lg45 blue nylon 5

lg46 green copper 6

lg57 blue zinc 3

i need to know how to make another menu where i can type the part

number get the all the info on it or say type color and get a list of

all parts of that color and so on....

Here is one I did which looks at all columns and filters by the one where the value is found. Adapt to your needs or send file to dguillett1

Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'macro by Don Guillett SalesAid Software (e-mail address removed)
Dim mf As Range 'String
If Target.Address <> Range("a2").Address Then Exit Sub
If ActiveSheet.FilterMode = True Then ActiveSheet.ShowAllData

Set mf = Range("a4").CurrentRegion.Find(What:=Target, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not mf Is Nothing Then
'MsgBox mf.Row & " " & mf.Column
Range("a4").CurrentRegion.AutoFilter Field:=mf.Column, Criteria1:="*" & Target & "*"
End If
End Sub
Sub FixIt()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

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