Need Help with filtering?



Here is my situation. I am doing a report for the earnings of a group of
These persons can earn from station A, B, C, or D. For example you can have
a person name "Andrew" - his earning will look like this:
Station A - $20.00
Station B - $300.00
Station C - $500.00
Station D - $100.00

In my report I can generate total earning for each person in txtSum in the
footer section of a grouping. The problem is I wish to print a report with
individuals whose total earnings is > 1000.00. I thought of doing a filer on
the report, but I do not know how to apply a filer based on a text box on the
report. The report is based on a query. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks


Here is my situation. I am doing a report for the earnings of a group of
These persons can earn from station A, B, C, or D. For example you can have
a person name "Andrew" - his earning will look like this:
Station A - $20.00
Station B - $300.00
Station C - $500.00
Station D - $100.00

In my report I can generate total earning for each person in txtSum in the
footer section of a grouping. The problem is I wish to print a report with
individuals whose total earnings is > 1000.00. I thought of doing a filer on
the report, but I do not know how to apply a filer based on a text box on the
report. The report is based on a query. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Make a Crosstab Query. Filter by the sum of the four stations to be >= 1000



Thanks Chuck, can you tell me how exactly do I apply this filter?
I may have jumped the gun on this one. In essences you need a query where you
can add a calculated field that is the sum of the four stations. then filter
that field for >=1000. You may have an existing query where it is possible to
add such a field. Example
Query with the fields Person, [Station A], [Station B], [Station C],
[Station D]. Other fields are allowable but not necessary.
In a blank Field (column) in the query type: StationTotals: [Station A] +
[Station B] + [Station C] + [Station D]
StationTotals becomes a field name. The : is used instead of =
This will give you a total income for each individual in the person column.
In the Criteria row of the StationTotals column enter: >=1000

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