Need help with Form/Query



What I would like to do is reference a text box controll that is on a form in
a querry. What I have done is gone to the querry by example grid and right
clicked on the field and choose the "build" option so I could click and point
to the field on the form which returned......Expr1:
[Forms]![frmDailyProduction]![txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced]. When I
run the query all I get as results for this field (Expr1) is four small

Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong? Any help would be greatly



The context looks right on the money. Did you check to make sure you have
mathching data?


Thanks for the suggestion but however I have checked that I have matching
data. The field on the form contains a value of $0.0271 and what I am want
to do is to multiple a field in my querry by this value. I have tested it to
ensure that it is a numeric value by adding anouther text box that calculates
100 + [field] and get the correct results. Don't know what I am doing wrong
but man is it fraustrating!!


Cyberwolf said:
The context looks right on the money. Did you check to make sure you have
mathching data?
James Gaylord
Finder of Paths, Hunter of Prey
Ghost of the Night, Shadow of Day
The Wolf

FatMan said:
What I would like to do is reference a text box controll that is on a form in
a querry. What I have done is gone to the querry by example grid and right
clicked on the field and choose the "build" option so I could click and point
to the field on the form which returned......Expr1:
[Forms]![frmDailyProduction]![txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced]. When I
run the query all I get as results for this field (Expr1) is four small

Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong? Any help would be greatly



I take it these fields are in seperate tables. You may want to just create a
calculated field. i.e. =[txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced] * [Table
Name]![Field name]. This may not be the exact context, but it should get you
James Gaylord
Finder of Paths, Hunter of Prey
Ghost of the Night, Shadow of Day
The Wolf

FatMan said:
Thanks for the suggestion but however I have checked that I have matching
data. The field on the form contains a value of $0.0271 and what I am want
to do is to multiple a field in my querry by this value. I have tested it to
ensure that it is a numeric value by adding anouther text box that calculates
100 + [field] and get the correct results. Don't know what I am doing wrong
but man is it fraustrating!!


Cyberwolf said:
The context looks right on the money. Did you check to make sure you have
mathching data?
James Gaylord
Finder of Paths, Hunter of Prey
Ghost of the Night, Shadow of Day
The Wolf

FatMan said:
What I would like to do is reference a text box controll that is on a form in
a querry. What I have done is gone to the querry by example grid and right
clicked on the field and choose the "build" option so I could click and point
to the field on the form which returned......Expr1:
[Forms]![frmDailyProduction]![txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced]. When I
run the query all I get as results for this field (Expr1) is four small

Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong? Any help would be greatly



Actually no, neither field is in a table. The field from the form
[txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced] will be multiplied by a calculated field
in a query. The query name is "qryApplesKgUsed" the calculated field is
"KgIssued: [QtyIssued]*42/2.2". What I would like to do is to calculate
[KgIssued]*[txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced]. Damn! I bet if I take the
[QtyIssued]*42/2.2*[txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced] it will work. Yupe
it worked.

Wonder why it would list the [txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced] value and
only four squares untill it was multipled by the value in the query?

Thanks for all you help. It is greatly appreciated.

Until next time,

Cyberwolf said:
I take it these fields are in seperate tables. You may want to just create a
calculated field. i.e. =[txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced] * [Table
Name]![Field name]. This may not be the exact context, but it should get you
James Gaylord
Finder of Paths, Hunter of Prey
Ghost of the Night, Shadow of Day
The Wolf

FatMan said:
Thanks for the suggestion but however I have checked that I have matching
data. The field on the form contains a value of $0.0271 and what I am want
to do is to multiple a field in my querry by this value. I have tested it to
ensure that it is a numeric value by adding anouther text box that calculates
100 + [field] and get the correct results. Don't know what I am doing wrong
but man is it fraustrating!!


Cyberwolf said:
The context looks right on the money. Did you check to make sure you have
mathching data?
James Gaylord
Finder of Paths, Hunter of Prey
Ghost of the Night, Shadow of Day
The Wolf


What I would like to do is reference a text box controll that is on a form in
a querry. What I have done is gone to the querry by example grid and right
clicked on the field and choose the "build" option so I could click and point
to the field on the form which returned......Expr1:
[Forms]![frmDailyProduction]![txtSetupDollarsPerKgApplesProduced]. When I
run the query all I get as results for this field (Expr1) is four small

Can anyone tell me what I have done wrong? Any help would be greatly


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