Need help with form




I have been working on a payment form. Going through all the possibilities
of what the user might do and amending accordingly. I am currently stuck
with an issue that I need help with.

The payment form is an unbound form with a temp table as the subform. The
subform displays the unpaid bills where the users check the bills to be
covered by the total amount on the form.

The issue is credit balances. Let me try to explain be with hypothetical

Case 1

A credit of 1,000 from paymentid 2.
current paymentid is 5, total amount 1000
subform - unpaid bill=2000, when the user checks, the payment amount will be
filled with 2,000, paymentid=5

In the underlying code to save, I need the payment details table to be
inserted with 1,000, payid = 2 and 1,000, payid = 5

Case 2
A credit of 1,000 from paymentid 2
A credit of 1,000 from paymentid 3
current paymentid is 5, total amount 1000
subform - unpaid bill=3,000 when the user checks, the payment amount will be
filled with 3,000, paymentid=5

Same conclusion

To me, it's easier said than done. How do I code it as such?

Sorry for the long thread.

Thanks in advance

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