need help with formula


Bryan J Bloom

I need to subtract 2 different sets of dates to get a total amount of days.
Eg: (a-b)+(c-d) = e
I then need to take the total (e) and multiply by 3 different integers if
the total (e) is greater than >6 days,>10 days and >31days.
This helps me keep track how long my company trucks are out of a Rail/Ship
I can't seem to get the dates to subtract and get an integer(regular
number). and I'm dead lost on the greater than stuff.
Of course the boss drops this on me on my first day.
Any help or comments will come highly appreciated.
Thank you

Paul Sheppard

Bryan said:
I need to subtract 2 different sets of dates to get a total amount o
Eg: (a-b)+(c-d) = e
I then need to take the total (e) and multiply by 3 different integer
the total (e) is greater than >6 days,>10 days and >31days.
This helps me keep track how long my company trucks are out of
I can't seem to get the dates to subtract and get an integer(regular
number). and I'm dead lost on the greater than stuff.
Of course the boss drops this on me on my first day.
Any help or comments will come highly appreciated.
Thank you

Hi Bryan

To subtract your dates try this in E1 > =((A1-B1)+(C1-D1)), format th
cell as general

For the other stuff try this >

change the *1, *2, & *3 to be the 3 integers you want to us

Peter Rooney


Try this to test the value in C4


Where Factor31 is the name given to cell C5, Factor10 is the name given to
cell C6 and Factor5 is the name given to cell C7. The ,0 at the end of the
formula tells it what to do if none of the three conditions tested for are
met. It couls just as easi;ly be a reference to a cell a name or a label e.g.

You could just put values in the formula instead of references to worksheet
name, but if you plan to copy the formula to a large number of cells, it's
harder to modify, as you'd have to change each one if the 6, 10 and 31
factors ever needed to change. This way, you only need to change the values
in the "Factor" cells.

No idea why you can't get an integer result, unless you're trying to
subtract today's date NOW() somewhere, which will always be a decimal, (apart
fro 00:00 midnight!) depending on where you are in the system clock. if this
is the case, try using INT(NOW()) in your formula, to retuen a whole number.

Don''t forget to test largest first - i.e. you want to test that the value
is greater than 31 before you test that it's greater than 10 or 6 etc)

Hope this helps.



Hi Bryan,
There's a function called DATEDIF that is not listed in the regular
functions list that can be used to get the difference between the dates;
=DATEDIF(A1,B1,"D") with the date in A1 being older than the date in B1, and
"D" specifying that you want the number of days between the two dates. This
formula can be used for both sets of dates:
=DATEDIF(A1,B1,"d")+DATEDIF(A2,B2,"d"). You may need to format the cell as
General if the result comes up a date; that should give you your number. The
formula below assumes the number of days between the dates in in cell C1.
=IF(AND(C1>6,C1<10),C1*1,IF(AND(C1>10, C1<31),C1*2,IF(C1>31,C1*3)))
Hope this helps you out.


To add or subtract dates, treat them as regular numbers. Dates are in fact
stored as the number of days from 1/0/1900 (1/1/1900 is stored as 1). You
can check this by entering a date and then formating the cell as a number.
When you subtract a date from another date the result "looks" like a date,
but it is not. You need to change the cell format to a number after entering
the formula.

A1-D1: various dates
I1-I3: various integers
E1: =(A1-B1) + (C1-D1)
F1: =IF(E1>6,IF(E1>10,IF(E1>31,I3*E1,I2*E1),E1*I1),E1)

F1 outputs:
E1 if E1<6
E1*I1 if 6<E1<10
E1*I2 if 10<E1<31
E1*I3 if E1>31

Be sure to format E1 and F1 as numbers after entering the formulas.

Bryan J Bloom

ok very well done and thank you all. But now i need to break it down a little
further if possible. Like I posted earlier this is showing days out of
rail/ship yard. What Im calculating is if the trailer is out of the RR more
than 6 days. Then days 7,8,9 and 10 are to be multiplied by 17. Then days 11
through 30 are to be multiplied by 50 and 31 + multiplied by 100. So the
formula you gave did the multiplication but multiplied (e) by only the
integer amount not by a rising number(my fault late info) I'm trying to get
it so that
eg: the trailer has been out 40 days(e). The first six are not multiplied.
7,8,9 and 10 (4 days) are multiplied by 17(68). Then days 11-30 (the next 20
days) are multiplied by 50(1000). Finally days 31+ (the last days 10) are
multiplied by 100(1000) to be added together with the others to make a total
of 2068.
Sorry for any confusion, was asked to get it one way then get told
Thanks so much
Bryan Bloom



I think this formula will do it for you. Basically if E1>31 then it will be
1068+(E1-31)*100. 1068 represents 4*17+20*50 (the days under 31). The rest
of the formula follows this logic. Hope it helps. This doesn't count the
first 6 days, and outputs 0 if you have less than 6 days.

Roger Govier

Hi Bryan

With your calculated days being in K2

Change cell ID holding days out to suit.


Roger Govier


Oops. That formula is slightly wrong.


In your first post you said >31 in this last post you desribed >30. This
formula matches your last post. So...
day 10 adds 17
day 11 adds 50
day 30 adds 50
day 31 adds 100

let me know if this isn't correct, I will change it accordingly if you need
me too.

Bryan J Bloom

absolutely perfect! thank you very much. Last question. If I wanted to change
the values (17,50 and 100), would I have to calculate the maximums of the
first two values again and just input that in the middle of the formula and
change the values in the formula? Or am I way off? I have to make this
formula work (new challenge of the day) for 7 different values and days.
Meaning I have one that has 6 days free but thereafter days 1-7 are @ 30 and
8+ is 80. So if can figure out how to change the formula to work new and
fewer values I'd be set.
youve done a ton, if this is to much to ask I absolutely understand. Thank
you so very much again


First off, Roger's formula is much better.


I had trouble with at first trying to figure out where 33 and 50 came from.
It's really ingenous though. 33 is 50-17, and 50 is 100-33-17. Days 11-30
are really being multiplied like x*17+x*33 (same as x*50).

Second, your current question. You describe it differently than before, but
I assume you meant.

1-6 days results in 0
7 days results in 30
13 days results in 210
14 days results in 290

If so then you would use

or did you mean this?
1-6 days results in 0?
7 days results in 210? (it sounded like you wanted to charge 30 a day)
8 days results in 290?

if so you would use

Let me know if you need more help.

Roger Govier


Maybe just have a table with your parameters
A1=6, A2=30, B1=13, B2=50
and so on, always making the next set of cells in the series the increment
from the values below, not the absolute values themselves.

Change the values in A1:B2 at any time to alter the calculation.


Roger Govier

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