Need Help with Labels in MS Access



A little background of what I have and then what I'm trying to do.

I have a table set up that has current and former customers in it. I have a
query from that table that pulls out only the current customers. I have
another query that pulls from the "active customer" query that pulls out the
customers that are past due on their accounts. Every month, I have to send
certified letters to the past due members and use a report in Access to print
those mailing labels.

The letters must be sent certified mail, return receipt, so I actually need
3 labels for each person when I do this (one for the envelope, one for the
certified mail card, one for the return receipt form). In the past, I have
normally just printed a sheet 3 times in order to get all of the labels I

The labels I use are Avery 5160, which have 3 labels across each row. I
would like to figure out how to set up labels to print one name, 3 times
before printing the next name. In other words, print one person per row.
This would save me from having 3 partial sheets of unused labels when I'm

Now, what I've tried:

I have tried taking the regular label printing report and tweaking it, but
end up with it only printing the first label of each row 3 times. I know
that's confusing, so to explain:

For instance, I have 6 people that need to be printed. Anderson, Bradley,
Carson, Douglas, Evans, Fitzgerald. Normally (printing 1 set on each page),
they would print as:
Anderson Bradley Carson (on row 1)
Douglas Evans Fitzgerald (on row 2)

After tweaking, they print as such:
Anderson Anderson Anderson (on row 1)
Douglas Douglas Douglas (on row 2)

Everybody else disappears.

I have also tried to trick the system into thinking it is printing 1 label
per row and just use the design view to put 3 sets of the information on each
label. By doing that, I end up with:
Anderson Anderson Anderson (on row 1)

Everybody else disappears. I can't get it to print a 2nd, 3rd, etc. row.
So, I get what I need across, but not vertically.


I have also tried (a tip found in another question):

The table sets up fine. The query sets up fine. Everything imports the way
it should. But, I still only get 1 label (even when using "3" in the
CountID) for each person. Essentially, it gives me what I've already had for

Any suggestions? I know it's probably some simple setting somewhere that
needs to be changed in order to get the additional rows using my 2nd method.
But, I'm clueless (and close to being bald at this point).



Oh, and I am using Access 2000 if that helps.

Lost-in-MS said:
A little background of what I have and then what I'm trying to do.

I have a table set up that has current and former customers in it. I have a
query from that table that pulls out only the current customers. I have
another query that pulls from the "active customer" query that pulls out the
customers that are past due on their accounts. Every month, I have to send
certified letters to the past due members and use a report in Access to print
those mailing labels.

The letters must be sent certified mail, return receipt, so I actually need
3 labels for each person when I do this (one for the envelope, one for the
certified mail card, one for the return receipt form). In the past, I have
normally just printed a sheet 3 times in order to get all of the labels I

The labels I use are Avery 5160, which have 3 labels across each row. I
would like to figure out how to set up labels to print one name, 3 times
before printing the next name. In other words, print one person per row.
This would save me from having 3 partial sheets of unused labels when I'm

Now, what I've tried:

I have tried taking the regular label printing report and tweaking it, but
end up with it only printing the first label of each row 3 times. I know
that's confusing, so to explain:

For instance, I have 6 people that need to be printed. Anderson, Bradley,
Carson, Douglas, Evans, Fitzgerald. Normally (printing 1 set on each page),
they would print as:
Anderson Bradley Carson (on row 1)
Douglas Evans Fitzgerald (on row 2)

After tweaking, they print as such:
Anderson Anderson Anderson (on row 1)
Douglas Douglas Douglas (on row 2)

Everybody else disappears.

I have also tried to trick the system into thinking it is printing 1 label
per row and just use the design view to put 3 sets of the information on each
label. By doing that, I end up with:
Anderson Anderson Anderson (on row 1)

Everybody else disappears. I can't get it to print a 2nd, 3rd, etc. row.
So, I get what I need across, but not vertically.


I have also tried (a tip found in another question):

The table sets up fine. The query sets up fine. Everything imports the way
it should. But, I still only get 1 label (even when using "3" in the
CountID) for each person. Essentially, it gives me what I've already had for

Any suggestions? I know it's probably some simple setting somewhere that
needs to be changed in order to get the additional rows using my 2nd method.
But, I'm clueless (and close to being bald at this point).



Here's how.
Create a new table, tblCount, no key no indexing.
tblCount has one column - call it CountID, long integer.
tblCount has 3 rows containing 1 in row1, 2 in row2, 3 in row3.
In your existing query, add tblCount and add CountID to the grid.
Run the query. You should see every row duplicated 3 times.
That's it!
HTH, UpRider


PERFECT! That did it! I knew I had to missing a simple step in there
somewhere. I had just put 3 in the first (and only) row. Didn't realize I
had to do 3 rows containing 1 in row1, 2 in row2, 3 in row3.

Thank you so much! :)

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