Joe Needs Help
Here is a query I can't get to run.
TestStep contains ALL the records I want.
TestStep_Parameter is only a link table
Parameter contains some records that match to the TestStep table, but not
all TestSteps contain a Parameter. Therefore I want an OUTER JOIN between
TestStep and TestStep_Parameter, but I can't get the query to run. It just
says "JOIN Expression not supported."
SELECT TestStep.ComponentID, TestStep.SortID, TestStep.Description,
TestStep.ExpectedResult, Parameter.Application, Parameter.Location,
Parameter INNER JOIN
(TestStep_Parameter RIGHT JOIN TestStep
ON TestStep_Parameter.TestStepID = TestStep.TestStepID)
ON Parameter.ParameterID = TestStep_Parameter.ParameterID
ORDER BY TestStep.ComponentID, TestStep.SortID;
TestStep contains ALL the records I want.
TestStep_Parameter is only a link table
Parameter contains some records that match to the TestStep table, but not
all TestSteps contain a Parameter. Therefore I want an OUTER JOIN between
TestStep and TestStep_Parameter, but I can't get the query to run. It just
says "JOIN Expression not supported."
SELECT TestStep.ComponentID, TestStep.SortID, TestStep.Description,
TestStep.ExpectedResult, Parameter.Application, Parameter.Location,
Parameter INNER JOIN
(TestStep_Parameter RIGHT JOIN TestStep
ON TestStep_Parameter.TestStepID = TestStep.TestStepID)
ON Parameter.ParameterID = TestStep_Parameter.ParameterID
ORDER BY TestStep.ComponentID, TestStep.SortID;