Following on my last post, I have an issue with one sample (DataSubmit
folder) of the InfoPath SDK package:
If you use the sample provided and submit a sample form using the default
ASP method embedded in the config.xml file, you end up with a xml file
called SubmittedDoc.xml.
If you double click on that xml form you get:
1. A box asking you if you want to open or save the file and that it could
be potentially harmful to you computer??????? - Click Open
2. InfoPath cannot open the following file. The following form template
for the form cannot be found: file:///C:\Documetnts%20
I asked similar questions already (with no answers), how can you submit that
xml to the Web Service and end up with a valid XML file that can be opened
by the original XSN file it was submitted with?
Thank you.
Following on my last post, I have an issue with one sample (DataSubmit
folder) of the InfoPath SDK package:
If you use the sample provided and submit a sample form using the default
ASP method embedded in the config.xml file, you end up with a xml file
called SubmittedDoc.xml.
If you double click on that xml form you get:
1. A box asking you if you want to open or save the file and that it could
be potentially harmful to you computer??????? - Click Open
2. InfoPath cannot open the following file. The following form template
for the form cannot be found: file:///C:\Documetnts%20
I asked similar questions already (with no answers), how can you submit that
xml to the Web Service and end up with a valid XML file that can be opened
by the original XSN file it was submitted with?
Thank you.